"The Americas" Project
Your task is to research ONE country from "The Americas" (North America and South America).
You will explore different aspects of your country such as its HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, GOVERNMENT, CULTURE, ECONOMY, CLIMATE, and any other
After researching your country you will create a TRIFOLD POSTER BOARD to display the information in your report. The poster-board will be displayed during our "Night at the Museum of the Americas" in the Spring.
1. Choose one country in "The Americas" (North and South America)
2. Begin your research.
3. Create a Tri-fold poster board.
Your Poster-board should include:
A picture of your country's flag.
A picture of one major land-form in your country.
Other of your choice, that is related to your country.
Include a map of your country that shows its position on the continent
Find information on HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, GOVERNMENT, CULTURE, ECONOMY, CLIMATE, and any other INTERESTING FACTS for your poster board.
Other Important Guidelines:
Use colorful text and photos, borders, backgrounds
It should be visually attractive, well designed, and easy to read
It should NOT include handwritten text, headings, or captions
It should include accurate facts and details
It should include correct grammar and punctuation
It should not include large paragraphs