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Reading (Wonders) Resources

Below you will find resources for our Wonders (reading program) vocabulary and spelling words. Each week of the school year is represented (roughly) by a unit and a week.


For instance, the first week of the school year would be Unit 1: Week 1.


By clicking on each link you will find:

  1. Weekly outlines--a glance at all of the skills we will cover in class each week.

  2. Spelling Lists--the complete list of words for the week.

  3. Spelling Word Cards-- cards to print.

  4. Spelling Pre-tests, Spelling Post-tests, Spelling Home Practice Tests

  5. Spelling and Vocab Activities--word search, crossword, etc.

  6. Vocabulary Definitions

  7. Vocabulary Quizzes

  8. Vocabulary Flash Cards

4th Grade

Spelling Worksheets (daily practice)
  • Missing a spelling homework? Check here.

5th Grade

Spelling Worksheets (daily practice)
  • Missing a spelling homework? Check here. (right click on the image and save the individual worksheet you need). Then, print the image.
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